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This is my story. 
The story of a man who creates his own mask to escape violence and reinvent his life. 
It's also the story of his stigma and his quest for emancipation, 
in an attempt to explore the part of himself he buried far too early under a solid layer of artifice. 

In five acts, this collection represents the construction of my identity as a queer person, 
from self-protection to the quest for emancipation and affirmation of my singularity and sensitivity.

ba final collection,  2024
le soir, chez soi
le manteau noir

look 1
le soir, chez soi
l'ensemble d'intérieur

look 2
la nuit, la fête
la veste dévorée

look 3
la nuit, la fête
la blouse drapée

look 4
l'aube, le lit
la chemise de nuit

look 5
le matin, le jardin
l'ensemble bourgeonnant

look 6
le matin, le jardin
la chemise à l'ombre

look 7
le matin, le jardin
l'ensemble en fleurs

look 8
la chute du jour, la mer
le manteau fané

look 9
cahier de recherches
inspirations stylistiques, formelles